
Heart Garlands

Here are the February chalkboards completed and on the wall. I needed something to fill the "Let it Snow" space from January, so we made these heart garlands while snowed in last week. Of course, I got this idea off of a blog! I don't remember which one or I would give them credit. You know how it is when you start linking from one blog to another and before you know it you can't even remember where you started, what you were looking for, or what time it was when you got on the computer. Oops!

The boys and I went through old magazines and cut out hearts. We looked for shades of red and as you can see we actually found hearts and the word "love" twice. It helps when you look through old Children's Ministry magazines from Group Publishing rather than holding your breath regarding inappropriate advertising in magazines these days, but that is another story.

First we cut the hearts out. Then we glued smaller hearts on top of larger hearts, and finally I sewed them together. It was an easy, free, and fun activity.

We cut out so many hearts that I had enough to make two garlands.
I put the second one on the shutter above my mirror.


1 comment:

  1. This is an absolutely darling idea. I can't bring myself to cut up my magazines but, I want to make this!!



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